Pete Castor

Pete Castor
Worship Leader

I’ve served for more than twenty years as a worship leader at various churches and been blessed to be at Mill Creek for the last eight years. Out in the “real world” I am a strategic consultant for a number of organizations, non-profits, and higher-ed institutions. Whenever possible, I enjoy traveling to Haiti for mission work, and I’ve recently caught the bug for participating in Tough Mudders. Among my other favorite things to do are running, reading, designing, listening to music, and date nights with my wife, Krissi, to whom I have been married for more than 25 years. We have been blessed with three miracles—Pierson, Mackenzie, and Caedmon—who keep life adventurous, fun, and always interesting.

My favorite Bible verse—one I try to live by daily (and fail daily) is Luke 9:23, which says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” There is so much theology packed into that one verse! But the bottom line is that living for Christ means sacrificing what we want to do and yielding our will to that of the One who sacrificed for us more than we can ever fully understand.